mardi 28 mars 2023

This month @eBENTO Event - Part 7


Vera tattoo-ATHENE

eBENTO Event

Enlight @Uber Event march 2023


enLight JEN (EvoX)

First release under NEW skin label enLight :) ND/MD JEN skins + shapes EXCLUSIVE for Uber Event. 

The shapes are sold separately (On vendor model wears shape for Lel Evox SIWA) @ main store only! 

Event runs from March 25th - April 22nd (items will be available @ main store afterwards)

On this post models wears enLight Luna Shapes (Lelutka Avalon), first enLight VIP Group gift!!

ND/MD HDL*Plus* BODY 12 skins-BOM is avalaible at Store 

enLight & ND/MD - Mains Store