GI Geoff and Mandarin Morgan decided to wait until the next day to try and infiltrate COBRA’s liar somewhere in the middle east. Surprisingly, the fortress did not have the tight security as they normally do. Geoff found an opening nearby which led to a corridor.
“It is strange how we got in here too easily.” questioned Geoff
“Who cares how we got in…easy or not. We are are in. Let’s do our mission!” said an impatient Mandarin Morgan
“Patience is not one of your virtues Morgan. We have to be cautious. We cannot burst into a room and start shooting everything in sight”
“COBRA had no problem killing my people like animals. I will do the same to them!” Morgan gripped her rifle even harder.
They heard sounds of COBRA approaching the corridor. Geoff and Morgan looked around quickly to find a place to hide. But there is nowhere to hide in that corridor. What do they do?
Morgan is wearing:
Gabriel “Tank Top Flight Suit” black
Gabriel “Doublet Belt Boots” black
Gabriel “Flight Goggles”
All Gabriel can be found at the Gabriel Mainstore:
Moon “Phase”
Geoffrey is wearing :
::GB:: Flight suit / Black
::GB::Bicolor Double belt boots / Kahki
::GB::Leather cover sunglass Black
VoltHAIR – LOGAN Hair- Black
Arm-Tattoo -David- (Torso) *REDGRAVE 1 (furnished with a skin i don’t use on this pic)
Morgan’s Pose:
[Omen Poses] “Part of Me1
No Longer Available
Geoffrey’s Pose:
Latorre Dagger Stiff Pose “P1GF”
No Longer Available
Backdrop : [Oshiro] – Dragon Army
At Unik Event october 2020 round